Biden Condemns ‘Antisemitic Protests,’ But Also People Who Don’t Get “What’s Going on With the Palestinians’
Sounds like Biden thinks there’s “very fine people on both sides.”

Biden just had a “very fine people on both sides” moment. But an REAL “very fine people on both sides” unlike Trump.
Reporter: "Do you condemn the anti-Semitic protests on college campuses?"
Biden: “I condemn the antisemitic protests. That’s why I have set up a program to deal with that. I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians."
Reporter: "Should the…
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) April 22, 2024

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Re: I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.
Who does Mr. 10% condemn?
Ben Shapiro?
The Squad?
Judge Napolitano?
Anyone who understands history knows that Israel is nearly completely right and that those wo hate Jews are totally wrong
I am sure that most liberal American Jews would agree with this imposter in the White House that there are “very fine people on both sides.”.
What a dumbf**k he is.
Palestinian men breached the sovereign territory of a neighboring country and committed unspeakable act of savagery including mass-murder, weaponized rape, child mutilation and infant immolation and decapitation and returned home to their Palestinian homeland carrying the spoils of their attack (hostages, dead and alive) and were greeted like conquering heroes by other Palestinians.
Yeah Joe, I think I understand ‘what’s going on with the Palestinians’ perfectly. They are who we thought they were: Inbred savages.
Savages who deserve to be bombed out of existence. Israel has shown incredible restraint since the October 7th attacks, but it is being treated as if it was the aggressor.
Exactly why they shouldn’t have exercised such restraint.
Biden says both sides are equal victims, everything considered.
Stick to numbers.
It’s what you get in a who’s the biggest victim battle. The compromise is both sides are equal victims.
The right argument is the Jews are and have been acting morally and the Palestinians are and have been acting irresponsibly. Nothing about victimhood.
In particular trying to trade with Palestinians and having it blown up and shot down by Hamas every time.
The elected leaders of Gaza committed an act of war against Israel that on a per capita basis was orders of magnitude larger that Pearl Harbor or 9/11. IMO Israel has shown dangerously excessive restraint in choosing the “invade Japan” solution.
That’s the victim game. The counter is decades of oppression and displacement by Israel so Israel deserved it.
It’s the low-IQ argument on both sides but only Palestine actually is low-IQ. Use some of that high verbal IQ instead.
Obseession with victimhood is low IQ. Get some better material.
Which makes him an even bigger idiot than I thought possible.
Columbia to Cornell after Cornell rightly called out for its ideological rot, hate and bigotry….. “hold my beer”
Oh we know what’s going with the palestinians; they’re terrorists.
Gee I’m glad Biden set up a committee to look into all of that antisemitism. Wonder if they’ll discover anything about the palestinians. Then the committee will make a recommendation to another committee, who will study the findings of the last committee.
What’s “going on” with the Fakestinians is that they’re vile, goose-stepping, Jew-hating, implacable, fanatical and genocidal religious fanatics, Islamofascists and Muslim supremacists — Arab invaders from Arabia, let’s note — who brazenly and obnoxiously deny Jews’ longstanding historical and theological roots in the middle east; roots which predate the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent, hate-filled and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission,” by millennia.
Let’s see a feckless, emasculated and morally bankrupt Dhimmi-crat leader speak that simple truth, for once.
Much more of this please
Willful blindness.
At the eleventh hour, Denethor finally realizes orc are inside the third gate.
I’m a big Patriots fan and I’ve never been prouder of Mr. Kraft…
Of course that pedophile would have to voice support for a bunch of terrorists that targeted and murdered and raped civilians. It’s just who he is, and a moral pedophile
Damn voice input. And a moral pedophile should read an amoral pedophile
I’d argue that at least half of the country gets what’s going on with the Palestinians better than Dementia Joe
Joe cannot comprehend that these silly comments will never placate his base. They will accept nothing short of 100% support for terrorists. He has to make a choice.
“What’s going on with the Palestinians” is two things:
— Israel is conducting a war, like a war. Surprising round here because we haven’t done that in decades.
— Hamas its backers and colleagues are acting like they act.
The first is surprising and new. The second is more of the tedious same.
“Biden just had a “very fine people on both sides” moment”
No, not really. It’s objectively the case that Israel has committed war crimes, pretending that Israel has been innocent is pure bs. It’s quite something to watch the pretzel like logic in action
Cite the war crimes…oh wait you can’t. “Civilians” getting killed during war is not a crime and Hamas makes sure plenty of its citizens get killed. Did Israel put infants in ovens and bake them to death… did they rape toddlers and women to death…did the citizens of Israel gather in the streets to kick hostages to death like the “innocent” Palestinians…,THAT is what YOU are defending.
Objectively? Please cite a reference.
You really are a special kind of idiot, “Bart.”
Care to post proof of that “objective case?”
The only pretzel-like logic is that which you purport to display.
Trump bashed the neo-Nazis in real time, but the TDSers must pretend differently.
Biden bashed no one, other than the Jews! Sick, corrupt man afraid of actual neo-Nazis wearing kaffyehs.
More evidence that Prez Grubbing for Muslim Votes is a moral leper tiptoeing precisely down the middle when a normal human (with a conscience) should be solidly on Israel’s side, standing against terrorists who insist targeted murder of civilians (not simple collateral damage), gang rape and baby burning are legitimate.
Putting aside Traitor Joe’s total idiocy, in the large …
He condemns people who “don’t understand”?? LOL.
First of all, not understanding is no basis for condemnation. Secondly, Traitor Joe actually condemns people who DO understand what’s going on with the Fakestinians. He condemns them for knowing the truth about the lowlife fakestinians and their unending drive to annihilate Israel and to kill every Jew they can get their hands on.
Hamas represents the arabs in Gaza (and most of the arabs in the West Bank, too). They love Hamas. They love attacking Israel. They are the writers of their own fates in this. But they rely on treasonous, lowlife democrats to take sides against Western Civilization (not a bad bet) and to save them from the consequences that should flow from their own choices.
Meanwhile … Traitor Joe is too friggin retarded to understand that saying that you condemn anyone for “not understanding” something is … retarded.